How to Identify an Original HP Battery Easily


Buying an HT03XL battery Original can be a daunting task if you do not know about buying computer accessories. There are loads of fake products in the system, and as such, you have to be careful. This article will describe some of the things you can check to identify a real hp battery.

Using the hologram

All HP original products come with different methods to ensure authenticity and originality. One of the best ways to do this is through the hologram on the body of the product. First, the hologram is usually a blue color, as one of the brand colors of the HP company. Hence, if you notice a hologram with another color, it is most likely a fake product. To locate the hologram, the device must come with a security label. Also, if your “HP” product has no tag, then it is a counterfeit product. If you have a product that has the hologram, it does not mean it is an original HP battery. You need to check the hologram because hp holograms come with a pattern. Here’s the trend to look out for;

  • Flip the device vertically and confirm that the “OK” and “” signs have different directions.
  • Flip the same device horizontally and confirm that these signs have similar directions.

When both of the above are correct, then you have an excellent HP product.

Using the QR code

Another way to confirm the authenticity of your HP product is to use the QR code. Usually, beside the hologram, there is always a QR code on your hp device. This QR code, like every other QR code, can be scanned, and it comes with a code beside it. All you have to do is download a QR code scanner application on your mobile device. It works for both android and Ios devices. Scan the code, and immediately, the application should generate the code of numbers. The numbers generated on the app should be the same as the figures on the QR code.

Using pricing

Globally, pricing is one of the best ways to identify the originality of any product. There is a cost price on many products directly from the manufacturers. Knowing these prices directly from the source helps you with two things; confirming the originality and the price of a product. Fortunately, most thoughtful manufacturers have a website that supports such eCommerce activities, and you can confirm. If you see a cost of around $200 for a battery on the HP website, you should not expect less than that price. Anything less is probably not an authentic HP product. Also, any retailer that sells at a price way higher, you can always challenge.

Using the packaging

Hp is a globally recognised brand, and one of the ways they maintain its position is to have a particular type of branding. The way real HP products are packaged is usually similar and is also an excellent way to confirm if it is a fake product. The spelling on the packaging of the hp product is also another way to identify a real HP product.


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